nearby now

Show your service area why you're the best in your field.

What is Nearby Now?

Nearby Now is a check-in and review platform designed to help local businesses benefit from their day-to-day work. It allows you to quickly build up a library of past work and use your entries to drive reviews, improve search engine rankings, and drive leads.

How the App Works

  1. Upon getting a job, your field agent opens Nearby Now.
  2. They enter a description of the job and snap a picture of their work
  3. The system uses geolocational information to add the check-in to the relevant city page
  4. Your technician sends a review request to the client
  5. The client leaves a review on Google or another platform

Benefits of the platform include:

  • Easily customized city pages with real-time check-in and review updates
  • Automated review routing to ensure you get reviews where you want them most
  • The ability to build up custom content across organic and image search engines
  • Office-based and field-based management routes
  • A full suite of customizable features, including geofencing, employee tracking, and automated reporting

Starting at $299 per month for PagePilot Website Customers

Showcase Your Expertise to Clients

Many local companies throw money at blog writing and see little benefit. The traffic they get isn’t even in their market. While this content has its uses—especially in terms of general ranking—it rarely produces tangible sales. These can take hours to complete.

A Nearby Now check-in can be completed in just 30 seconds.

When people are searching for the best HVAC contractor or plumber in the area, they want someone who knows what they’re doing. They’re looking for proof that you’re an expert—a company that can quickly solve their home comfort problems. With Nearby Now, communicating your expertise is a breeze.

When your customer visits a Nearby Now page, they see work you’ve done in their neighborhood with people like them. They also see reviews for the kind of service they’re looking for. This helps engender trust.

Rank Across Your Market for More Terms

Constantly updating and filled with unique content, Nearby Now pages check all the typical SEO boxes. Every check-in is a potential collection of keywords. And, with training from our Nearby Now agency, you’ll know exactly what to put for each entry.

The platform also adds rich schema to every check-in–ensuring search engines correctly interpret the information presented.

As time passes, your Nearby Now pages will become a catalog of expertise for Google and other crawlers. They will know you not only offer AC repair but that you do it frequently and well.

Grab Reviews at Lightning Speed

When reviews are requested as suggested, we typically see a conversion rate of roughly 40% from the platform. This is due in large part to what’s called dynamic review routing.

Upon clicking the link to a review request, the system will check if your client is logged into Google (or Facebook). If so, they’ll be directed to leave a review on that platform. Otherwise, they’ll be taken to the Nearby Now review form. For those who aren’t big on typing, audio testimonials are hassle-free.

Can't get your field staff to request feedback? The office can fully manage your review requests in one succinct dashboard!

Get You Found for the Terms You Want Faster

Not sure it's right for you? Skeptical of what it can do for your site's SEO? Check out these high-volume keywords Nearby Now pages currently rank for.

Full Support and Training

Our Nearby Now agency wants every one of our plumbing, electrical, and HVAC clients to fully capitalize on the platform! That’s why we offer full-service support with every subscription. Services you get from our agency include:

  • Automated report set up by request
  • Employee review page setup
  • Keyword rank tracking
  • City page design and formatting
  • User management
  • Check-in deletion
  • Regular activity reminders
  • Installation support for external WordPress sites and existing site customers
  • Zapier automation set-up and management
  • Full training for you and your staff
  • Walkthroughs on the dashboard

See Examples of Review Pages

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